PT-100 temperature probe, 0-100ºC, passive 4-20mA output, L=50mm ø6mm,...
Module 8 Outputs PNP Expansion ETHERCAT. CHANCE. Without box. tested.
2m connection cable with RS-232C (sub-D connector with 9 pins) for OMRON ZEN V2 programmable relay.
Sensor Head diffuse reflective line-beam to ZX-L. Sensing distance: 300+/-200 mm, 300 µm Resolution. With original box. New product in its original packaging with all the guarantees and certifications of OMRON. AVAILABLE SHIPPING.
Laser amplifier ZX-L NPN output. Cable 2m. With original box. New product in its original packaging with all the guarantees and certifications of OMRON. AVAILABLE SHIPPING.
OMRON CMOS Laser Sensor with resolution of 0.002 mm, 200-1000mm sensing distance pre-wired 2m cable PNP output. NEW.• Measurement range 600 ± 400 mm• Analog output 4 to 20 mA.• Resolution 80 μm With original box. New product in its original packaging with all the guarantees and certifications of OMRON. AVAILABLE SHIPPING.